Business Law
Happy New Year from the BLS!
Is your New Years Resolution to increase your exposure and book of business, or to be more involved as an influencer in the legal community, or both? If so, you are in the right place, as the BLS has opportunities for speakers as well as for authors and editors. Read on for more information.
Do you like to Speak at programs? The BLS has a number of opportunities available for those who like to speak on subjects of interest to other California lawyers. Some speaking opportunities may be in person; many others are virtual. This is a perfect opportunity for you to participate at a very high level, to share your knowledge with other members of the California Bar and to get your name and voice known. And your own ideas and topics are welcome as well – you may even be able to re-purpose a program you have already done, for a new and possibly larger audience.
If interested, contact for further information and to be matched with the appropriate programming person.
Are there any Unfulfilled Authors or Editors Out There? Now is your chance to get your name and expertise out there for thousands of other professionals to see. The BLS partners with CEB Publications to edit various CEB publications of interest to members of this Section and more. Right now is a great opportunity for anyone who is interested to step up and edit one (or more) chapters of existing publications. Your name will appear as the editor for the particular chapter. CEB provides all the materials needed to assist you in an effective editing. The following is a list of publications currently available and looking for editors. If interested, contact me at and I will put you in contact with the CEB representatives in charge to see what specific chapters are available, and to get the ball rolling:
- Advising California Nonprofit Businesses
- Advising California Partnerships (including looking for a tax attorney to co-author or review tax aspects of chapters 03 and 04 on Corporate, Partnership, and LLC Buy-Sell Agreements)
- California Client Communications
- Counseling California Corporations
- California Law of Contracts
- Debt Collection Practice in California
- Drafting Business Contracts
- Fiduciary Duties
- Financing & Protecting California Businesses
- Forming & Operating California LLCs
- Sales and Mergers
- Selecting and Forming Business Entities
- UCC Sales & Leases