Free event! No MCLE Explore career opportunities for environmental attorneys in city government! Deputy city attorneys from four different regions will discuss the intersection of municipal law, land use, and environmental compliance. Moderator: Claire McLeod Ruiz Speakers: Miles Hogan, Nargis Choudhry, Andrea Ruiz-Esquide, and Darcy Brown Register Miles Hogan | Senior Assistant City Attorney, City of Ventura Miles joined the City Attorney's office in 2016, first as an Assistant City Attorney II and then as the Senior Assistant City Attorney… Read more
1 Participatory MCLE Credits; 1 Technology in The Practice of Law This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the management of Electronically Stored Information (ESI) in the context of legal discovery. Designed to cater to both "beginners" and those with intermediate experience, it offers a broad perspective on the entire discovery process as it pertains to electronic data. The primary objective is to impart a solid understanding of both the fundamental and more advanced aspects of ESI handling. Key focus… Read more
Privacy is an ever changing and growing area of law and ad tech has been squarely at the center with Google deprecating and then not deprecating cookies, the California Delete Act, CPPA’s rulemaking on profiling and automated decision making, and more. Read more