Trusts and Estates

Ca. Trs. & Estates Quarterly 2015, Volume 21, Issue 3


By Jeremy B. Crickard, Esq.*

While most of us operate on a calendar year, the State Bar of California runs on a fiscal year. Each fiscal year begins at the conclusion of the State Bar Annual Meeting and runs through the end of the next Annual Meeting.

As a result, each fall brings a changing of the guard of sorts for the Executive Committee of the Trusts and Estates Section ("TEXCOM"). This year once again has us saying goodbye to a very strong class. Jeff Carchidi, Jim Lamping, Jim Lauth, and Erin Prouty have all dedicated many hours over the past six years to service on TEXCOM. Jeff Carchidi’s term included serving as chair of the Estate Planning subcommittee and a co-chair of the Litigation subcommittee, while Jim Lamping dedicated many years to the Quarterly, including a term as its Editor. Jim Lauth was similarly dedicated, serving as chair of the Estate Planning and Trust & Estate Administration subcommittees, while Erin Prouty’s tenure included time as chair of the Tax subcommittee, the subcommittee responsible for this symposium issue of the Quarterly. All four served as point persons for TEXCOM on legislative projects too numerous to mention. As the outgoing Chair, it is my privilege to thank all four of these dedicated volunteer members of TEXCOM for their service and their invaluable contributions to our Section.

Each year, we also say goodbye to one member who has served as a past Chair of TEXCOM. This year, that past Chair is Ed Corey. As a past Chair, Ed Corey has given eleven years of service to TEXCOM and the Section. In addition to chairing and serving on numerous subcommittees, such as Incapacity, Legislation, and Litigation, Ed has been an invaluable ambassador and advocate for the Section with the California Legislature and other important stakeholders. Ed has a wonderful ability to provide insightful and well-reasoned analysis and combine it with professionalism, good humor, and respect for his colleagues, all of which makes him an example of the best of what TEXCOM can be. For all of their contributions to the Section, Ed and the rest of TEXCOM’s outgoing class will surely be missed.

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