Solo and Small Firm
The Practitioner Spring 2019, Volume 25, Issue 2
- CryptoCurrency: New Rules, New Money, New Issues
- Elementary CyberSecurity: 7 Basic Precautions Every Lawyer Should Consider
- Executive Committee of the Solo and Small Firm Law Section 2018-2019
- Letter From the Chair
- MCLE Article: On the Move: the In, Outs, & Tech-thics of Mobile Lawyering
- On Appeal: a Primer on E-Filing in State Appellate Courts
- Solo & Small Firm Spotlight: Kris Mukherji
- Solo/Small Firm Tech - Lean, Efficient, Effective
- Table of Contents
- Letter From the Editor
Letter From the Editor
By Somita Basu
Somita Basu, Esq., is a founding principal and managing partner of the Santa Clara, Beverly Hills, and Las Vegas offices of Norton Basu LLP. Ms. Basu is currently the incoming Editor-In-Chief of The Practitioner, a quarterly publication distributed by the the California Lawyers’ Association’s Solo and Small Firm Section, where she is also serves on the Executive Committee. Ms. Basu is based out of the Santa Clara office and lives in the South Bay with her family.
Technology has transformed our personal lives and its effect on the practice of law is no less impactful. As solo and small firm practitioners, many of us are looking for ways to make our practices more efficient, more effective and ultimately, more profitable. Technology can be the great equalizer, enabling small firms and solos to take on cases and service clients in a way that was just not possible before.
The paperless office, virtual law practice, and the plethora of applications, software, and hardware available to the solo or small firm attorney is unprecedented. We have so many options, it’s hard to decide which way to turn.