Solo and Small Firm
The Practitioner Fall 2021, Volume 27, Issue 3
- Executive Committee of the Solo and Small Firm Law Section 2020-2021
- Jury Trials in a Post-COVID World
- Letter From the Chair
- Letter From the Editor-in-Chief
- MCLE Article: Don't Be Tempted by the Fruit of the Alternative Payment App Tree!
- Table of Contents
- The Future of the Virtual Courthouse
- The Once and Future Office Market: A Tale of Complexity and Change for Lawyers
The Once and Future Office Market: A Tale of Complexity and Change for Lawyers
By Gary H. London
Gary H. London is a real estate advisor whose clients include developers, investors, lenders, asset managers, and owners. He is a partner of London Moeder Advisors, a diversified real estate strategic advisory, development management, investment, capital access, and analysis firm. He also serves as an expert witness in real estate litigation.
Many years ago an affluent, very successful client of mine, called me and promptly announced he was talking to me from his home in Aspen. I found it to be a curiosity, particularly because his business interests were primarily in Los Angeles.
"How can you be in Aspen?" I asked. His answer involved something about quality of life, including daily skiing or biking, telephonic communication (before the Zoom era) and the occasional plane flight. In short, he could pull off a professional existence that was not tethered to physical location.