Real Property Law
Cal. Real. Prop. Journal 2016, VOL. 34, NO. 1
- 2015-2016 Executive committee of the real property law section
- 2015 Legislative Highlights
- Advisory Board
- California Real Property Journal Editorial Staff
- Community Revitalization and Investment Authorities: a Step-by-Step Guide to Using Ab 2
- Economic Development Tools in a Post-Redevelopment World
- MCLE Self Study Article: 1031 Exchanges and Real Estate Partnerships—Swaps, Drops, Pins, and Rago
- Real Property Law Section Subsection Chairs and Standing Committee Chairs 2015—2016
- Ruling Class: Evaluating Class Allegations for Complex Construction Claims in California
- The Top Ten Real Property Cases of 2015
- Table of Contents
Table of Contents
The Top Ten Real Property Cases of 2015…………………………..3
By Basil ("Bill") S. Shiber and Matthew Henderson
This article provides an overview of the ten most significant decisions affecting California real estate in 2015, as well as some "honorable mention" cases currently under review and likely to result in important decisions this year.
2015 Legislative Highlights……………………………….18
By Robert M. McCormick, Michael J. Maurer, and Weston B. Rockers
A review of 2015 legislation that the authors believe are of most significance for real property law practitioners.
Ruling Class: Evaluating Class Allegations for Complex Construction Claims in California……31
By Michael Parme
This article analyzes class certification issues arising in the context of construction litigation and proposes a multi-step approach for evaluating the risks presented by such claims.
MCLE Self-Study Article: 1031 Exchanges and Real Estate PartnershipsâSwaps, Drops, PINs, and Rago ..38
By William F. Webster
Real estate partnerships and partners can employ a variety of techniques in structuring 1031 exchanges, and the disapproval with which these exchanges have been received by the California Franchise Tax Board may be changing with the State Board of Equalization’s opinion in Appeal of Rago Development Corp., et al.