Environmental Law
Envt'l Law News Spring 2020, Vol. 29, No. 1
- 2019-2020 Environmental Law Section Executive Committee
- A Case For Regulatory and Budgetary Approaches That Maximize Private Investment In Zero Emission Equipment To Solve California’S Heavy-duty Transportation Pollution Challenge
- Editor's Note . . .
- Forever Chemicals: An Introduction To State and Federal Legislative and Regulatory Activity Regarding Pfas and Public Water Suppliers
- Table of Contents
- Targeting Public Trust Suits
- The 2020 Environmental Legislative Update: Change of the Guard
- What Are We Dealing With? a Survey of Groundwater Sustainability Plans In Critically Overdrafted Basins
- What Oil Has To Do With It: How the Discovery of Oil Under California’S Tidelands Caused a Seventy-year Boundary Dispute
- Working Lands and Agriculture and Land Stewardship: From An Uncertain Present To a Sustainable and Resilient Future For Water Management
- Environmental Law News Publications Committee
Chair: Jennifer L. Harder
Editors: Rebecca Akroyd, Sarah Hoffman, Miles Hogan, Julia Stein, William D. Wick
Official Publication of California Lawyers Association, Environmental Law Section. The statements and opinions herein are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of California Lawyers Association, the Environmental Law Section, or any government body. Contributors are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of their articles. ©2020 California Lawyers Association, Environmental Law Section.
If you would like to submit an article for publication or be a guest editor for a special topic or issue, please submit your proposal to Jennifer Harder at jharder@pacific.edu.