Business Law
Business Law News 2018, ISSUE 1
- Bln Editorial Board: Message from the Editor
- Business Law News Editorial Team
- Companies Face Consequences for Unenforceable Noncompetition Clauses in California
- Enforcing Arbitration Agreements in Bankruptcy
- Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
- Executive Committee of the Business Law Section 2017-2018
- MCLE Article: the Proposed Rules of Professional Conduct
- Standing Committee Officers of the Business Law Section 2017-2018
- Structuring Enforceable Guaranties of California Commercial Real Estate Loans: Avoiding "Fault" and "No Fault" Sham Guaranties and Other Lender Traps
- Yolanda's, Inc. v. Kahl & Goveia Commercial Real Estate—Expanding a Creditor's Post-Judgment Examination of a Non-Debtor Third Party
- Business Law News Table of Contents
BUSINESS LAW NEWS Table of Contents
Executive Committee: Message from the Chair…………………………………………………………..4
BLN Editorial Board: Message from the Editor……………………………………………………………6
Enforcing Arbitration Agreements in Bankruptcy………………………………………………………..9
By Reno Fernandez
The author first presents a primer on the Federal Arbitration Act and its underlying policies, and then explores the application of both the Act and those principles in recent bankruptcy cases. This article provides a helpful digest of cases addressing a number of relevant issues.
MCLE: The Proposed Rules of Professional Conduct………………………………………………..17
By Neil J. Wertlieb
The author provides an extremely useful introduction to the new set of Rules of Professional Conduct that have been presented to the California Supreme Court for approval. The proposed Rules reflect a comprehensive revision of the existing Rules, and the author discusses both proposed changes to current law and ways in which the proposed Rules differ from the Model Rules that have been adopted in virtually every other state in the country.