New Lawyers
ABA Resources for CYLA Members
By Aastha Madaan
California young and new lawyers, as the ABA YLD Representative to Southern California, it is my pleasure to share with you some valuable resources provided by the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division (ABA YLD).
First and foremost, if you are a member of the American Bar Association, your membership to the ABA YLD is complementary, so take advantage of the free membership and use the numerous resources geared to young lawyers.
ABA YLD’s program on Paying Down Your Student Debt is now available on video at this link:
The ABA YLD also offers members several CLE’s on substantive topics and on practice management. You can find upcoming CLE and other online programs here:
Lastly, in addition to the ABA YLD, other Sections and Divisions of the ABA offer various discounts, fellowships, travel reimbursements and other incomparable benefits for young lawyers and minority lawyers. If you have questions about your practice area or would like to get more involved with the ABA, please feel free to email me at
Aastha Madaan is the founding partner of Madaan Law, P.C., with offices in Long Beach and Irvine, California. She practices in the areas of business law, franchise law and estate planning.