International Law and Immigration
The Law Doc is IN
Join ILS members in its launch of another new free lunch series to add value to membership and community interest titled the Law Doc is IN, for a collegial outreach on new and developing industry topics of general interest to lawyers of all fields, including all those questions you were too afraid to ask or were too costly to do so when a lawyer is billing on the clock. Callers will ask questions, and hosts and their guests will field answers. Lined up so far, starting Tuesday March 5, 2019, at noon, are The Law Doc is IN: Art, hosted by Alexandra Darraby, scheduled, the Law Doc is IN: Music, hosted by State Bar Annual Meeting speakers, hosted by the Brabecs; the Law Doc is IN: Ethical Practice in California and Mid East, hosted by Melissa Allaine; the Law Doc is IN: Arbitration, hosted by [this could be YOU!].
Do you have a topic you would like to host? Contact Alexandra via the ILS address. Dial in and access codes will be provided.