Environmental Law
Take the Eco-Pledge!
The California Lawyers Association’s Eco-pledge program encourages California lawyers to pledge to reduce the ecological footprint of office activities. The legal profession uses enormous amounts of paper, energy, water, and other natural resources, and generates a vast stream of waste products. The consumption of natural resources and its associated waste stream has a substantial impact on climate change and environmental quality, and on the quality of life for present and future generations. To reduce these impacts, participants in the Eco-pledge program pledge to implement sustainable practices like reducing the use of paper, toxic chemicals, and water and energy, promoting commuter incentives, and recycling and using Energy Star appliances. The pledge commits lawyers and their firms to conform their practices to the sustainability policy, implementing as many policy recommendations as possible, educating members of the firm about sustainability, encouraging landlords and building owners to implement sustainable practices, and reviewing the policy and implementation efforts at the beginning of each year.
By signing the Eco-pledge, California lawyers demonstrate their commitment to the environment and can post the Eco-pledge logo on their website.