California Lawyers Association
Outgoing Communications Linking Policy
These are the official guidelines of the California Lawyers Association (the “Association”) relating to the inclusion of links in any outgoing communications including, but not limited to: emails, webinars, e-blasts, social media, e-newsletters, and on the Association’s website.
Links are permitted to websites that provide information that furthers the Association’s goals and missions, including promoting excellence, diversity and inclusion in the legal profession, and fairness in the administration of justice and the rule of law.
Links are always allowed to the State Bar of California or other state bars, local bars, courts, governmental agencies and entities, law schools, and libraries. Outgoing links to corporate partners, sponsors, advertisers, commercial sites, and the like shall be text only and shall not be presented in a manner that gives the appearance of endorsing a product, service, cause, or position.
The Association will not link to any website that advocates violence, hate, bias, discrimination, or promotes a specific political or religious view. Links for which an ad has been purchased shall be placed within the online edition of the publication for which the ad was purchased and shall remain active only until the next issue of said publication is published.
Links shall be presented in a location and manner that avoids the appearance of a partnership or joint venture with the Association or any portion thereof, or otherwise represents a guarantee, warranty, endorsement or affirmative representation by the Association or any portion thereof as to the quality, suitability, or fitness for purpose of goods or services of any individual or entity. Any and all owners and representatives of websites who obtain outgoing links from the Association website by purchasing an advertisement must agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Association should any person or entity name the Association as a defendant or respondent in any lawsuit or claim of any kind that is in any way connected to, or alleged by a plaintiff or claimant as related to, an outgoing link on the Association’s website or any of its electronic communications.
The Association reserves the right to terminate all outgoing links to third party sites. The Association may terminate an outgoing link or reject a request for an outgoing link for reasons which shall include the following:
- Failure to meet any of the criteria set forth in this policy;
- Failure to pay monies due and owing to the Association or any portion thereof;
- The link has gone dead or remains unavailable for more than five (5) days;
- Failure to abide by the specifications for advertisements set by the Association’s Journals;
- If the Association elects to terminate a category or page of outgoing links on its website or social media site, or of all outgoing links on a website or social media site;
- Incongruity with the purpose of the Association website, or the mission and goals of the Association;
- Misuse of the Association social media pages, or its website or content;
- The link is to a website that advocates or engages in activities in violation of any state or federal law, or advocates or engages in violations of, or does not comport with, the California Rules of Professional Conduct;
- A link is to a website that supports or opposes a candidate for elective office or ballot proposition.
Disclaimer of Endorsement
The inclusion of links and pointers to websites is not intended to endorse or recommend any views expressed or products or services offered on these sites. The Association does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of information contained on a linked website. The Association does not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites, and does not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer. The Association cannot authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in linked websites. Visitors must request such authorization from the sponsor or owner of the linked website. The Association is not responsible for transmissions visitors receive from linked websites.
Operations – Association Linking Policy 11-07-17 APPROVED