California Lawyers Association

Catalog Pricing Policies: Webinar, Self-Study, and On-Demand Programs

Each Section should create a policy for meeting the statutory obligation to provide low cost ($20.00 or less) or no cost education programs for members of the State Bar, and for maintaining an adequate catalog of on-line options for members of the State Bar to satisfy their MCLE requirements and for providing educational programs and materials to members of the public.

Webinars and On-Demand Catalog Pricing

The intent of this pricing policy is to promote consistency throughout the Association, provide for efficient use of staff and smooth marketing and management of education programs, and to enable the Association to meet its obligation to provide low-cost education for members of the State Bar. Standardized pricing is critical to the management of the catalog.

Some standard discounts that may be offered are as follows:

  • Sections may offer discounts for members of their Section.
  • “Bundling” discounts may be offered to Section members or members of the State Bar–if a series of webinars or on-demand programs is to be presented, the Section may offer the standard price for each webinar/on-demand program individually, with a reduced price for the purchase of each additional webinar/on- demand programs in the series. For example, a series of four webinars/on- demand programs can be offered at the standard price for each one individually, a 10% discount if you purchase two, a 20% discount if you purchase three, and a 30% discount if you purchase all four. Bundling discounts can only be applied at the time of the initial purchase.
  • Promotional discounts may be offered by providing a code. It should be understood that use of a code cannot be limited (it can be shared with others), unless by putting an effective date on the code.

Initial Presentation of Webinar

A webinar is a live presentation using a web link for real-time visual and audio. The standard price for a webinar is $55.00 per hour. Sections may also offer promotional pricing for a particular webinar or may offer discounts for webinars provided that any promotional price or discount is determined before marketing for the webinar begins and the price is listed on the webinar submission form.

Catalog Pricing

Within a few weeks of the presentation of a live webinar or other live program, the recording of the webinar or other program is added to the catalog of programs available on-demand from InReach. Pricing for catalog items is $45.00 per hour. This price is consistent for all Sections and cannot be discounted, except for member discount or bundling discounts as noted above.

Self-Study Pricing Policies

Self-study programs are offered through the catalog, or can be published in a Section’s journal or elsewhere. Standard pricing is consistent for all Sections at $20.00 per hour.

Discounts may be offered as follows:

  • Sections may offer discounts for members of their Section.
  • Promotional discounts may be offered by providing a code.

“Free” and Reduced-Price Programs

All programs have a cost to produce and maintain. Therefore, there are no truly “free” programs. Sections must be aware that when they offer free or reduced-price programs there will be a cost to the Section for each attendee, and the Section should budget accordingly. At present, the cost for catalog programs offered for “free” is $7.95 per hour, per person for on-demand, $12.95 per hour, per person for webinars, and self-study programs are $1.95 per person.

Monthly Featured Programs

It is recommended that the Association offer a “featured program” each month at a significantly discounted rate. Each month the program will be selected from the catalog by a different Section (rotating among all Sections and CYLA). The program will be offered at a specified date and time (like a webinar) and be priced at $20.00 or less.

Free Required Subjects

The Association will continue to offer to its members (on the “Members Only” section of its website) at least 6 hours of free self-study programs, including at least 4 hours of legal ethics, 1 hour of elimination of bias and 1 hour of competence.

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Select Section(s)

CLA Membership is $99 and includes one section. Additional sections are $99 each.
