Business Law
Message from Monique D. Jewett-Brewster, Chair of the Business Law Section
As part of its long range strategy plan, the Business Law Section is actively working to create a culture of inclusion for all California business lawyers. To that end, the BLS was proud to share its diversity initiative and efforts with the other Sections of the California Lawyers Association (CLA) at the CLA’s inaugural Winter Leadership Retreat held last month in San Francisco.
The BLS also strives to provide meaningful opportunities for member involvement as well as cutting-edge legal content via multiple channels to its members. At the Winter Leadership Retreat, the BLS learned about the best practices and strategies employed by the other Sections of the CLA to enhance their member benefits. To that end, BLS is working hard so that its members can look forward to more webinar and live educational programming offerings as well as additional publications from the BLS’ fifteen Standing Committees in collaboration with the other Sections of the CLA and external strategic partners. BLS is also exploring more volunteer opportunities as many Section members have expressed an interest in contributing to their communities through their Section.
We hope you enjoy the BLS’ eNews for March, and take advantage of the programs, publications and other membership benefits the Section provides. Thank you for your continued membership in the BLS and I hope you are excited to be a part of our Section under the CLA.
Monique D. Jewett-Brewster
Hopkins & Carley, A Law Corporation (San Jose)
Chair, Business Law Section
California Lawyers Association