March 2024 The 2024 Celebrating Women in Competition Law in California in San Francisco was a huge hit, and we have the photos to prove it! Thanks so much to the sponsors, panelists, organizers, and attendees that made the Seventh Annual “Celebrating Women in Competition Law in California” so incredible! Whether you want to relive the event or see what you missed, please enjoy our photos from this inspiring evening. Relive the Seventh Annual “Celebrating Women in Competition Law… Read more
In the age of big data and algorithms, litigation and M&A analysis utilize increasingly sophisticated economic tools to seek the evidence for the appropriate enforcement action. This panel outlines a brief description of the most commonly used economic models – ranging from damages analysis to merger simulations - and real-world lessons from practitioners in the trenches on how and when such models have been used in the courts and agencies across a range of legal cases. Read more
If you've been wondering, the rumors are true... The 2023 Golden State Antitrust & Unfair Competition Law Institute was a huge hit, and we have the photos to prove it! Read more
This panel will feature antitrust attorneys from law firms, government, and in-house who will discuss what is antitrust and competition law; the life of an antitrust practitioner; how to become an antitrust attorney; and how to apply to our Inclusion & Diversity Fellowship program. Read more