Sponsorship Opportunities

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2024 Solo and Small Firm Summit

The California Lawyers Association (CLA) is pleased to announce exclusive sponsor opportunities for the 2024 Solo and Small Firm Summit, a two-day virtual conference held on June 13-14th, 2024.

The CLA Solo & Small Firm Summit is the premier annual conference for hundreds of attendees to gather for education sessions, networking, knowledge sharing, and product shopping. Our Summit offers you the opportunity to connect with lawyers practicing in firms of 10 lawyers or fewer.

MCLE credit will cover all aspects of California law, as well as a variety of keynote speakers and networking opportunities. We are confident that the 2024 Solo and Small Firm Summit will present a wonderful opportunity for your firm or organization to be featured as a sponsor and supporter of CLA.

All sponsors and their logos will be acknowledged in the online promotional materials leading up to the event. The specific sponsorship levels and opportunities, and the associated sponsorship benefits, are listed below. If you would like to discuss alternative forms of sponsorship, please let us know. 

1 post w/ logo on CLA social media channels2
Clickable ad on event sponsorship page1
Logo included in CLA standalone email1
Silent video ad in pre-roll video1
Logo on event landing page1
Logo on event sponsorship webpage1
Logo in pre-roll video1
Email list of attendees for marketing3
Complimentary registrations 5321

1 Ads and/or logos must be submitted by Friday, May 24, 2024 to appear in promotional materials and on social media.

2 Main CLA channels include LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

3 Email list includes attendees who did not opt out of sharing their information with third-parties.

Solo and Small Firm Summit Sponsorship Form

Sponsorship opportunities are on a first come, first served basis. Pricing and availability are subject to change without prior notice.

Interested in reaching legal professionals? Contact CLA’s Business Development Team at development@calawyers.org.

    Platinum - $5,000Gold - $2,500Silve - $1,500Bronze - $1,000

    Forgot Password

    Enter the email associated with you account. You will then receive a link in your inbox to reset your password.

    Personal Information

    Select Section(s)

    CLA Membership is $99 and includes one section. Additional sections are $99 each.
