Trusts and Estates
Ca. Trs. & Estates Quarterly VOLUME 30, ISSUE 3, 2024
- Chairs of Section Subcommittees
- Editorial Board
- Inside This Issue
- Is Probate Dying? a Look At Ab 2016 and a Survey of Probate Administration Statutes For California Practitioners Preparing For the Future
- Letter From the Editor
- Litigation Alert
- McLe Self-study Article: Combining Trusts To Reduce Complexity and Costs Can Be Harder Than You Think
- McLe Self-study Article: Creation, Exercise, and Transfer Tax Considerations of Powers of Appointment
- Tax Alert
- Tips of the Trade: Training Wheels Money
- Letter From the Chair
Written by Kristen Caverly, Esq.*
This marks my last edition of the Quarterly as Chair for CLA’s Trusts & Estates Section Executive Committee ("TEXCOM"). It has been an amazing year of legislative involvement, and it will be interesting to see what new statutes are forwarded to the Governor’s desk, and which ones he signs and does not sign. As always, after the New Year, keep your eyes open for the Quarterly’s full update on new legislation impacting trusts and estates practitioners.
As of September 8, 2024, I will be stepping aside as Chair of TEXCOM and moving into an advisory role for the next three years. Michael Rosen-Prinz, who is a partner at Loeb & Loeb LLP in their Los Angeles office and Co-Chair of their Family Office practice group, will be stepping into the Chair role. Michael has served six years on TEXCOM plus serving this year as Vice-Chair and Treasurer. Michael served as chair of the standing committee for Estate Planning, as well as many other volunteer responsibilities for TEXCOM. Michael is a subject matter expert in estate tax, trust administration, and estate planning, and has been instrumental in advancing TEXCOM’s legislative proposals over the past six years. I enjoyed serving with Michael and leave TEXCOM in good hands.
Serving as Vice-Chair and Treasurer for the 2024-2025 TEXCOM year is Judith ("Judy") Hehir. Judy is a sole practitioner in San Francisco, representing clients in all aspects of estate planning and administration. Judy is finishing her regular six-year TEXCOM term during which she has served in many leadership roles. Most notably, Judy spent three of her TEXCOM years as co-chair of the standing committee for Legislation where she tracked and coordinated literally thousands of legislative proposals being reviewed by TEXCOM. Judy was a rock star in this role which includes training incoming TEXCOM members on our legislation review process, flagging bills weekly for further review, assigning each flagged bill to a standing committee, running the TEXCOM legislative discussion, and tracking each bill through the entire TEXCOM process. Judy most recently served as chair of the standing committee for Estate Planning.