Online Community

Supporting and connecting with our members is integral to our mission, especially during these uncertain times. That is why we are proud to unveil our Online Community, a forum for CLA members to connect with each other, ask questions, offer ideas, and comment on the latest developments in the legal world.

online community icon

Easy to Access

CLA members can access the online community here:

If you don’t yet have an account on our website, create one here:

If you run into any problems, or have any questions or feedback, please contact the CLA Web Team at

Not a member? Join CLA today.

Rules & Guidelines

To ensure the best possible experience for all members, some basic guidelines for participation in CLA Communities have been established. By joining and using CLA Communities, you agree that you have read and will follow the rules and guidelines.

Mobile App

Our Online Community is also accessible via the Discourse Hub app (iOS | Android). Simply download the app, add the “” site, and then connect your account.

Forgot Password

Enter the email associated with you account. You will then receive a link in your inbox to reset your password.

Personal Information

Select Section(s)

CLA Membership is $99 and includes one section. Additional sections are $99 each.
