Workers' Compensation
8th Annual Rating Extravaganza Burbank Marriot
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Los Angeles Marriott Burbank Airport
2500 N Hollywood Way
Burbank, CA 91505
Onsite registration available!
Earn up to 6 hours of MCLE credit; includes Legal Specialization.
6 hours of this program meets the specialization requirement of “mechanics of rating permanent disability requirement” for the certified workers’ compensation specialty.
Brochure | Mail/Fax Registration Form
Program Schedule
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Registration and Check-In
Remember to check in and grab your name badge!
8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. | Continental Breakfast
Breakfast is one of the most important meals. Give your brain some much needed brain fuel.
8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | Cutting Edge Apportionment: Cases, Concepts and Strategies
The wise and wonderful Ray Correio will focus his presentation on the provocative and sometimes “quirky” areas of apportionment, including an analysis of the Labor Code 4662 presumption; recent significant decisions such as Lindh, Hikida and Rice; and their impact on the constantly evolving apportionment litigation equation.
- Ray Correio, Esq., Encino, CA
9:40 a.m. – 10:40 a.m. | How to Bullet Proof Your Medical Evidence
Judge Eric Ledger will cover the necessary elements of what constitutes a complete medical-legal report with regard to rebutting the Permanent Disability Ratings Schedule (PDRS). This session will provide specific examples of what constitutes substantial medical evidence in rebutting the Combined Values Chart (CVC) and other forms of rebutting the PDRS, and examples of what falls short. Judge Ledger will provide extensive tips on how to ensure your position is based on a complete medical-legal record, in light of recent case law and recent legislative changes.
- Judge Eric Ledger, Oakland, CA
10:50 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. | Use and Abuse of AMA Guides
Case law has mandated that Whole Person Impairments and Disability be rated per LC 4660. LC 4660 has mandated that each party must rate impairments using metrics found in the AMA Guides. However, doctors often misunderstand how to properly use the Guides. Their mistakes can cost your clients dearly. In this program, AMA Guides experts will review how to bullet proof various impairment ratings, both from a strict rating perspective and from a rebuttal use method.
- David Skaggs, Vice President, PacificComp, Thousand Oaks, CA
- Tim Null, Tim Null Rating Services (and former DEU rater), Los Angeles, CA
11:50 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. | Networking Lunch – Hosted
12:45 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. | Common Rating Errors and How to Fix Them
The goal of rating permanent disability is to achieve an accurate rating. However, the accuracy of the rating is only as good as the medical report and the understanding of the rater. It is imperative that the workers’ compensation practitioners be able to spot issues when a permanent disability report needs further development. Annalisa Becker, a highly experienced DEU permanent disability rater, will offer tips and unique perspectives on how to rate impairments using the AMA Guides. She will key in on specific “gotcha” issues and will provide strategies on how to avoid them, so that they don’t adversely affect your client’s outcome.
- Annalisa J. Becker, DEU Northern California Supervisor (Redding)
1:55 p.m. – 2:55 p.m. | Practice Tips for Litigating a Complex PD Case
Three preeminent workers’ compensation judges will discuss hypotheticals and various mechanisms for obtaining permanent disability ratings based on substantial medical evidence. Topics include when and how a judge might entertain a motion to develop the record, as well as key litigation strategies. The panel will provide an in-depth “how-to” roadmap for litigating a permanent disability case, from discovery issues to when it might
be appropriate to appeal. Issues such as completing the MSC Statement, burden of proof, legal standards, interpreting the AMA Guides, and handling live testimony will be discussed.
- Judge Clint Feddersen, Van Nuys, CA
- Judge Robert Rassp, Los Angeles, CA
- Judge William Carero, Oxnard, CA
3:05 p.m. – 4:05 p.m. | Nailing the Doctor’s Deposition
Taking a doctor’s deposition often strikes fear in the heart of every litigator. The physicians aren’t so keen on them either. In this session, you will learn how to extract the exact information you need to meet your burden of proof in each classic workers’ compensation case. Both applicant and defense attorneys will receive a comprehensive list of “take-aways” to ensure their
next doctor’s deposition is a successful one.
- Judge Clint Feddersen, Van Nuys, CA
- Judge Robert Rassp, Los Angeles, CA
- Judge William Carero, Oxnard, CA
Essential Information
Pre-Registration Fees
- $295 for Current Workers’ Compensation Section Members
- $390 for Non-Section Members
(includes enrollment in the Workers’ Compensation Section for 2019) - $195 for Claims Specialist
**Onsite registration fees are $395 for Section Members and $490 for Non-Section Members
Pre-Registration Fee
In order to pre-register, your form and check, payable to California Lawyers Association, or credit card information, must be received by September 3, 2019.
How to Register
- Register Online (note: online registration is now closed)
- Mail Registration Form to Program Registrations at:
Program Registrations, California Lawyers Association
400 Capitol Mall, Suite 650
Sacramento, CA 95814 - Email to Registration Form to In order to email your registration, credit card information is MANDATORY. (Photocopoies of checks will NOT be accepted.)
- On-site registration will be on a space available basis.
Cancellations/Refund Policy
Cancellations and requests for refunds must be received in writing no later than Friday, August 30, 2019 and are subject to a $50 service charge. Refunds will not be available after August 30, 2019.
For registration information please call (916) 516-1757. For information regarding the program please call (916) 516-1756.
Special Assistance
For special assistance please call (916) 516-1756.
Program Materials
Registrants will receive a USB storage device with an electronic version of all program materials the day of the conference. Before the conference, registrants will receive a link with information on how to review and download the program materials. It may be helpful to review a program’s reference material before the class. Hard copy materials will not be available. This website is not available to the public, and access is given only to conference registrants. Late breaking supplemental materials not available before the conference will be added at a later date.
This event may be recorded. By attending this event, you consent to be photographed, filmed, and/or otherwise recorded, and to any use, by the CLA, of your likeness, voice, and name in any and all media, including social media. If you do not want your name or photo to be used, please let us know in advance. We cannot, however, honor requests to opt out of the use of your image or voice if you choose to ask a question during one of the event sessions.