This program will offer an inside look at the practice of law here in California in service of clients in the cannabis and hemp industries. Moderated by New Lawyers Section Member Daniel Cheung, panelists will provide an overview of cannabis and hemp legal concepts and issues for California lawyers to keep front-of-mind, as well as details on recent cannabis and hemp legislative and regulatory developments.
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The purpose of this webinar is to provide California lawyers with an introduction to privacy law concepts and issues that intersect with commercial cannabis and hemp.
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The purpose of this webinar is to deliver education to solo and small firm lawyers about the practice of cannabis and hemp law in California. Our learning objectives include fundamental knowledge about cannabis and hemp law issues, how solo practitioners can build a law practice focused on cannabis and hemp law in California, and how the future of the cannabis and hemp industries will impact solo and small firm lawyers.
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Cannabis licensing in CA is highly regulated and somewhat unique. This presentation is designed to provide a roadmap for attorneys working in the cannabis space to better understand the context of what due process is provided by CCAP and the procedural requirements before an appeal can be filed with CCAP.
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