Solo & Small Firm

The Practitioner: Summer Publication; Theme – Business Development

We are getting very close to the Annual California Lawyers Association meeting. This year, like last year, it will take place in San Diego on September 21 through September 23. The event appears as though it is going to be very well attended. If you have any interest in meeting other members of the CLA , or learning more about the CLA, I highly recommend that you attend the annual meeting. In addition, if you need CLE credits for next year, this is a good opportunity to listen and interact with speakers.

As for the Solo and Small Firm Section, the executive committee will be attending the Annual Conference. We will hold a face-to-face meeting during which we will swear in a new slate of officers and welcome new members to the executive committee. We will also do long-term planning for the 2023-2024 year.

There is one event which we are excited about. It is the first time we are holding a Night of Networking. The event will take place on November 16, 2023,  from 5 to 7 PM. Since this is the first time for this event, we have decided to limit it to four locations. There will be two meeting locations in Los Angeles, CA – one will be in downtown and the other will be in the Westwood area. The third location is the main office of the CLA, located in Sacramento, California. The fourth location is in San Jose at the office of Berliner Cohen, LLP.

We think providing lawyers with an opportunity to meet other lawyers and network is one of the core missions of the Solo Section. Much has been written about the value of having companionship. Doing so can create referrals and collaborations, mentorship, guidance and knowledge sharing, professional development, along with building a support system. Networking leads to client expansion along with business growth and opportunities. Plus, it will open up an opportunity for community involvement and a safe environment for pure feedback.

 In today’s world, being able to share experiences, working with others to problem-solve, and having emotional support is very important. It can also lead to a better work-life balance. Please check your email and keep an eye open for the email announcing the sign-up for a Night of Networking. The Solo Section and the Law Practice Management Section look forward to seeing you at this event and we hope it exceeds everyone’s expectations.

I hope each of you gets a chance to enjoy the rest of your summer, even though those of you with children are just starting back with school. As always, feel free to contact me if you want to participate or have any other questions.

My best, Robert

Robert M. Klein
Deldar Legal
Injury Attorneys
10866 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 740
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Robert M. Klein is a personal injury lawyer with Deldar Legal. His focus is on personal injury cases. He enjoys his work and knows that he picked the right career and the right area of law. He wants nothing more than to share his joy and enthusiasm with others.

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