Solo & Small Firm
Message from the Section Chair
Somita Basu
Chair, Solo and Small Firm Section
Santa Clara, CA
Summer is rapidly coming to an end. For some reason, 2022 seems to be moving at a faster pace than I had anticipated. Perhaps this is because we are back in the swing of ‘normal’ activities after two years of limited networking, dining, and traveling. I hope you have all had the ability to take some down time this summer before the hectic end of year rush starts in a few short weeks.
With in-person activities restarting in earnest, I wanted to encourage all of you to attend CLA’s Annual Meeting. This year the event is being held in San Diego from September 15 -17 and there will be a formal gala event on Saturday evening, September 17th. It’s a wonderful opportunity for solo and small firm practitioners all across the state to network, gain valuable insights into current trends, and make new connections. After such a long time isolated away from our colleagues, the Annual Meeting is an opportunity for us to reconnect face-to-face.
I hope to see many of you in San Diego next month. In the mean time, I hope you are able to get some much needed vacation time into your schedule. Stay well and healthy.