Solo & Small Firm
Message from the Chair
Hello and welcome to December, 2022.
The end of a year is a natural time to stop and reflect on the things we have; it is a time to reflect on all that is good in our life and the good we achieved this past year, whether large or small. It is also a good time to consider and think about our individual year-end goals and what we can accomplish next year, 2023.
When considering what you did this past year, be kind and generous to yourself. Now is not a time to be critical; is it time to put on your rose colored glasses. Remember how you helped a family member or a friend or a client. Remember a moment when you went out of your way to be kind. Did you smile at a stranger? Or did you hold the door open for somebody as you were entering or exiting a building? Did you go above and beyond for a client, even if you did not receive a thank you or other for acknowledgment? Or did you simply let somebody merge into traffic in front of you? Life passes by quickly and we often fail to reflect on the positive impact we have on or for others. Yes, most of the time we do not know how a single smile or single act of kindness helps another.
This time of year is also a natural time to look forward at next year. Have you considered what you what to do next year? Do you want to work harder? Or work less hard. Do you want to spend more time with family or friends? What other thoughts do to you have about your future?
For the past 15 years, I get together with a group of friends neat the end of every year. Before the end of the prior year, we listed our own goals and/or ambitions for the upcoming year, place the list in an envelope, and seal it. At the of the year, we get together and open our own envelopes to see how we fared in reaching our goals. The fun part about this exercise is this: each person decides whether to share their goals. We are more interested in being accountable to ourselves and being there in support of each other. So we review how well we did in reaching what we wrote down one year before. It also motivates to improve in ways we want from one year to the next year.
Before I finish, I want to remind everyone reading that the Solo Section is looking for people to write articles, whether short or long, for publication in either the practitioner or The Solo Advisor. It is your way to reach all members of CLA. If you need help in a topic or wish to discuss any idea, contact me.
I hope you all have a safe, enjoyable holiday, and nice completion to this year. I look forward to continuing to communicate with you in 2023.
Please email me if you have questions at We will respond to your emails promptly. And thank you for being willing to share.
Regards, Robert M. Klein