The purpose of the Workers’ Compensation Section of the California Lawyers Association is to serve our members, workers’ compensation practitioners, and the people of California by promoting an efficient and just compensation delivery system. The section, through standing committees, seeks to promote better legal practice, education and legislation affecting workers’ compensation. We review proposed state legislation and regulatory rules, and make recommendations to the authors. Our goal is to achieve the following constitutional mandate:
Constitutional Basis of Laws
The Workers’ Compensations Act, codified in the Labor Code, with other related laws, has its jurisdictional basis in the California Constitution, Article XIV, sec. 4, which provides in part as follows:
The Legislature is hereby expressly vested with plenary power, unlimited by any provision of this Constitution, to create, and enforce a complete system of workers’ compensation…to compensate…workers for injury or disability, and…for death…irrespective of the fault of any party…to the end that the administration of such legislation shall accomplish substantial justice in all cases expeditiously, inexpensively, and without encumbrance of any character…
Membership Benefits
- Free subscription to the Workers’ Compensation Quarterly newsletter.
- Discounts on all Workers’ Compensation Section programs and publications
- Opportunity to participate in Section and Committee activities
- Opportunity to meet members of the Workers’ Compensation Section
Major MCLE Events and Programs
In addition to “stand alone” such as the recent Workers’ Compensation Spring Programs of our section, we participate in the major state bar events:
- Section Convention
- The Section offers ongoing opportunities for participatory and self-study continuing legal education, both online and through audiotapes. For more information, see Education.
The Workers’ Compensation Section has an Executive Committee and subcommittees listed below. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact the section.
To provide high quality and affordable education to the workers’ compensation community;
Co-Chair: Josephine Broussard
Co-Chair: Hon. Colleen Casey
Practice and Ethics
To concentrate on improving levels of professionalism and competence for all practicing before the WCAB through education and guidelines;
Co-Chair: John Parente
Co-Chair: Rodman Martin
To complete comprehensive review of workers’ compensation Labor Code sections to recommend legislative changes that eliminate conflicts, obsolete or inaccurate provisions, achieve harmony among conflicting sections, and minimize gender specificity;
Co-Chair: Jason Wells
Co-Chair: Ken Peterson
Awards and Recognition
To recognize and show appreciation for excellent and notable players in the field of workers’ compensation practice of law;
Co-Chair: Therese Da Silva
Co-Chair: Melody Cox
To make and keep the Workers’ Compensation Quarterly the source our entire community looks forward to and relies upon for insight and enlightenment regarding the latest cases, issues, and controversies in our area of law;
Editor: Saro Kerkonian
Co-Chair: Kia Myers Holsey
Co-Chair: Viviana Santiago
Co-Editor: Justin Sonnicksen
To promote and encourage a sense of community among practitioners serving California’s backbone: the worker;
Co-Chair: Orlando Ruff
Co-Chair: Hon. Robert Rassp
Technology/Website/Social Media
To recognize the activities of the Workers’ Compensation Section and Workers’ Compensation Executive Committee and continue to bridge the identify gap between the former State Bar Workers’ Compensation Section and new California Lawyers Association Workers’ Compensation Section;
Chair: Hon. Joanna Stevenson
Co-Chair: Erin M. Wintersteen
Community Outreach
To educate the general public and legal community about what the workers’ compensation system means inclusive of its infrastructure and values;
Chair: Amy Shen
Unpublished Cases
To evaluate Court of Appeal decisions originally designated as unpublished to determine if a publication request should be made so they become citable authority.
Co-Chair: Scott Silberman
Co-Chair: Ken Peterson
To Join
See here.
Contact Us
Workers’ Compensation Section
California Lawyers Association
400 Capitol Mall, Suite 650
Sacramento, CA 95814