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Please review the Nomination Guidelines, including award criteria, on the Jack Berman Award page on the California Lawyers Association website before completing this form.

To nominate an attorney for the Jack Berman Award, please submit the following documents as described:

  1. The nomination form, having completed all sections (Parts 1-3);
  2. The nominee’s current resume or biography;
  3. At least one, but no more than five, letters of support; please mention citations to reported cases, organizing efforts, successful projects, news articles, etc.; and
  4. (Optional) No more than twenty-five pages of additional material in support of the nomination. Please electronically submit the above documents in PDF format by email to

Please electronically submit the application by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on Monday, July 8, 2024.

If you want to mail in this form instead of filling out the online form below, please send to: New Lawyers Section, 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 650, Sacramento, CA 95814.

If it is a hardship to submit a nomination in the manner above, please contact or 916-764-9451.

Those who nominate someone will receive an e-mail acknowledging their submission. If you do not receive an acknowledgment within five business days, please contact Beth Pierce to confirm your submission. Each nominee will also receive a notice that he or she is a nominee. Please note that any attempt to contact the New Lawyers Section or the California Lawyers Association outside of the normal application process may render the nominee ineligible.

Nomination Form

    Part 1: Information about the nominee

    Nominee Name (First, Last)

    State Bar Number


    Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code)



    Part 2: Information about the individual or organization submitting this form

    Name (First, Last)

    Relationship to nominee


    Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code)



    Part 3: Narrative questions

    Please concisely answer questions 1-5 below, focusing on the nominee’s work. You may elaborate in up to five letters of recommendation and up to 25 pages of optional, supporting material (e.g. case excerpts and news articles).

    1. In about two paragraphs or less, please describe the nominee’s project or service. Please mention its purpose, focus, goals, results, impact, and timeline.

    2. In about two paragraphs or less, please describe the organization and/or program through which the nominee served.

    3. In about two paragraphs or less, please describe how the project or service fits within the award criteria.

    4. In about two paragraphs or less, please describe the nominee’s law practice including firm or organization size and his or her principal areas of practice

    5. Please list the nominee’s memberships in local, state, or national bar associations and/or professional organizations.

    Please upload letters of recommendation in PDF format or any other supporting materials

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    Enter the email associated with you account. You will then receive a link in your inbox to reset your password.

    Personal Information

    Select Section(s)

    CLA Membership is $99 and includes one section. Additional sections are $99 each.
