Editorial Board:
- Alison Westfahl Kong
- Brian Barrow
- Dan Lawton
- Faith Pincus
- Hao Nguyen
- Hon. Christine Carringer
- Hon. Helen Williams
- Hon. Allan Goodman (ret.)
- Justice Elizabeth Grimes
- Justice Jon Streeter
- Marc D. Alexander
- Paul Dubow
- Tom Freeman
- Stephan Love
- Yalileth Giacoman
The Editorial Board oversees the publication of California Litigation three times a year. The Board is responsible for deciding editorial content, recruiting writers, editing submissions, and coordinating the artwork, production, printing, and mailing of each issue. The Editor-in-Chief welcomes article suggestions and submissions from Section members.
The Editorial Board thanks Justice William F. Rylaarsdam for over 25 years of service to the Board (1987-2014).