The Environmental Law Section (ELS) invites you to join our mentorship program. The ELS Mentorship Program pairs newer attorneys and law students with more experienced attorneys to provide the following benefits:
For mentors. More experienced attorneys can contribute to the professional development of new attorneys and law students, identify potential new hires, develop their own communication and leadership skills, and experience the value of giving back to the profession.
Mentor applications closed on February 1, 2025.
For mentees. Newer attorneys and law students can broaden their network, develop meaningful professional relationships, gain valuable knowledge and insight into the profession, or even successfully transition from another field into practicing environmental law.
Mentee applications closed on December 20, 2024
ELS especially encourages diverse attorneys and students to apply to the mentorship program. Building a diverse and inclusive profession is an integral part of ELS’s mission to build, retain, and maintain quality and culturally sensitive legal services to an ever-increasing diverse population. Please see Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for more about CLA’s initiatives.
Training on Mentoring & Coaching – On March 14, 2023, the Mentorship Program Committee held a webinar-style training session for mentors. The speakers discussed program guidelines, and tips and recommendations for Mentoring and Coaching new attorneys and attorneys looking to transition to environmental law.
Any current ELS member willing to commit to the mentorship program for 1 year is welcome to participate as a mentee or mentor. Law students can join ELS for free here: https://calawyers.org/lawstudent/
- Mentee (Law student or 0-5 years of practice)
- Mentor (5+ years of practice)
ELS will try to match mentors and mentees based upon the availability of the applicant pool, and the preferences communicated in your applications (such as geographic proximity, practice areas within environmental law, or common personal backgrounds). Please note that newer attorneys will be prioritized for receiving mentors, and law students will receive mentors based on availability of sufficient mentors.
Participants may have different objectives, interests, or communication styles. We encourage you to develop your own personal ways for sharing your experiences with one another. At minimum, the mentor and mentee should:
- Meet and discuss their goals and reasons for participating in the program.
- Connect at least four times during this yearlong commitment.
Mentors can be a valuable resource to their mentees:
- A mentor can assist a mentee with practice development, building skills, discussing performance, sharing knowledge resources, discuss legal scholarship in shared areas of practice, or inviting a mentee to attend hearings or other proceedings.
- A mentor can provide valuable career planning advice, discuss short-term and long-term professional goals, share networks, or attend relationship-building events together.
- A mentor may assist a mentee with job searches, including reviewing resumes or offers, or conducting mock interviews. We encourage you to use your school’s resources for job placement. The mentorship program is not designed as a hiring program.
We also suggest the following specific activities to help mentors facilitate the relationship:
- Introduce a mentee to a judge or another experienced practitioner.
- Invite a mentee to observe a court hearing, trial, administrative proceedings, or public workshop (possibly via videoconference if remote participation is available).
- Participate together in an Environmental Law Section or CLA networking event.
- Read and discuss a new case or an article from the section’s Environmental Law News.
A small investment of time can have a lifelong impact. ELS appreciates your participation. Please contact Environmental@calawyers.org with any questions.
Training on Mentoring & Coaching: On March 14, 2023, the Mentorship Program Committee held a webinar-style training session for mentors. The speakers discussed program guidelines, and tips and recommendations for Mentoring and Coaching new attorneys and attorneys looking to transition to environmental law.