The agglomeration of current events regarding racial inequality and the police harassment and killing of Mr. George Floyd, Mr. Ahmaud Arbery, Ms. Breonna Taylor, Ms. Sandra Bland, and countless other African Americans served as the impetus for the creation of the Racial Justice Committee, which is led by the Litigation and Criminal Law sections. As we all work best when unified, we are excited for us to embark on a journey to promote racial justice. To that end, we invite you to actively participate with us. Questions? Contact the committee at racialjustice@calawyers.org.
Committee Members
- Hon. Marguerite Downing
- Otis Bruce
- Lei-Chala Wilson
- Tangela Terry
- Brooke Jenkins
- Marjaneh Maroufi
- Donald Heller
- Laura Passaglia
- Aimee Gill
- Allison Macbeth
- Leif Dautch