The Section serves as a forum to educate members on recent developments and current issues in all fields of business law; provides a vehicle for the business bar to communicate with the general public, the California Legislature, regulatory agencies, business trade associations, and other interested groups. Specific substantive areas covered: corporations, partnerships, unincorporated business associations, banking, bankruptcy, securities, commercial code, debtor-creditor relations, agribusiness, consumer financial services, cyberspace law, franchise, insurance, legal opinions, health law and alternative dispute resolution.
MCLE major events and programs
In addition to “stand alone” programs of our section, we participate in major Sections events. See Events for upcoming programs and for ongoing opportunities for CLE credit. For other upcoming events, see the MCLE Calendar.
If you would like to join the Section…
Contact Us
Business Law Section
California Lawyers Association
400 Capitol Mall, Suite 650
Sacramento, CA 95814