Standing Committees
The Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law Section has six standing committees dedicated to the Section’s mission, which is to further the knowledge of its members about antitrust, unfair competition, and trade regulation issues under California and federal laws. These committees are charged with developing publications, programs, and events in furtherance of the Section’s mission. They are also responsible for developing and bringing greater diversity to the next generation of California antitrust and unfair competition practitioners.
Applications for the Treatise Standing Committee are due by January 15. Applications for the other standing committees are reviewed on a rolling basis.
If you have questions, please contact
Diversity Committee
Chair: Malinda Lee
The Diversity Committee strives to promote diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the Section’s activities through collaborations with the other Standing Committees and recommendations of policies and programs to the Section’s Executive Committee and Chairs of the Section’s other Standing Committees. The Committee also oversees the Section’s Inclusion and Diversity Fellowship—a program that provides mentorship and career opportunities in antitrust practice for law students who reflect the broad diversity in our state, including from groups that are underrepresented in the legal profession and, in particular, antitrust and unfair competition law. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
E-Briefs Committee
Chair: Betsy Manifold
The E-Briefs Committee publishes the Section’s monthly electronic newsletter, E-Briefs, News and Notes, which keeps our members abreast of current developments in antitrust and unfair competition law. The committee is open to practitioners at all levels, as well as law students, and it is where many Section members first get involved with the work of the Section. The committee meets monthly to discuss what recent judicial decisions and regulatory developments merit coverage, and individual committee members commit to writing brief summaries of these matters (E-Briefs) several times throughout the year. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Education Committee
Chair: Dana Cook-Milligan
The Education Committee organizes regular in-person and online programs and events throughout the year regarding antitrust and UCL issues at low cost or no cost for Section members. The events include Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs, hot topics panels, career panels, practical tips from antitrust and UCL practitioners, and one of the Section’s pillar in-person events, “Celebrating Women in Competition Law in California.” Members of the Education Standing Committee develop thought-provoking topics, and line up panelists, and generally help organize the events. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Journal Committee
Chair: Jessica Leal
The Journal Committee is comprised of leading professionals in antitrust law and economics who provide guidance in the process of publishing the periodic journal Competition, a traditional law journal containing scholarly and practice-oriented articles on issues important in the antitrust field. The Competition Journal provides a platform for leading authorities to discuss important topics surrounding competition policy, private and public enforcement, and industrial economics. The Journal Committee aims to publish regular volumes of balanced conversation and reflection on antitrust topics to encourage wide readership among practitioners, academics, policymakers, researchers, and all other antitrust professionals. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Treatise Committee
Chair: Chris Wheeler
The Treatise Committee publishes yearly updates of the California State Antitrust and Unfair Competition Law treatise, which is available on Westlaw and Lexis. The Treatise Committee consists of experienced practitioners who review, edit, and revise chapters of the Treatise updated by first-level editors. The work of the senior editors typically takes place during a relatively short period in the summer after they are presented with updated chapters by the first-level editors. The senior editors provide feedback to the first-level editors for their consideration. Applications are due by January 15 of each year.
UCL Committee
Chair: Christina Tusan
The Unfair Competition Law (UCL) Committee brings together practitioners throughout California whose practice involves litigating cases brought pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 17200 et seq. and 17500 et seq., as well as matters involving the FTC Act and other state and federal unfair competition and consumer protection laws. The Committee develops UCL content in the Section’s publications. The Committee also organizes in-person events and Continuing Legal Education (CLE) programs focusing on the UCL. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.