Real Property Law

Message from the Incoming Chair of Real Property Law

By Elizabeth A. Blair, Esq.

Dear Real Property Law Section Members,

As we embark on the 2020-2021 California Lawyers Association year, we are facing new and unexpected challenges and obstacles, as well as opportunities and successes.  The COVID-19 pandemic allowed us to connect to one another in ways we would not have expected and to maintain business operations from remote locations, turning our homes into both offices and schools.  I want to say a special thank you to Steven DeLateur and Tara Burd, our past Co-Chairs for all of their hard work and dedication to the Real Property Law Section!  Thank you so much, Tara and Steve for leading the Real Property Law Section through an unprecedented time!  I would like to also welcome and congratulate the Real Property Law Section’s new Executive Committee members and advisors as well as new officers: Vice Chair Jonathan Golding, Secretary Ashley Peterson and Treasurer Steven DeLateur. 

As the new Chair of the Real Property Law Section, I hope that you have been able to take advantage of the great virtual programming that we’ve been able to offer to you in 2020.  We will continue to provide amazing educational opportunities that we hope, by offering them virtually, will enable more of you to take part in these activities. 

In the coming year, we are looking forward to providing more educational content on cutting edge legal issues, networking opportunities, scholarly articles in our Real Property Journal and bringing you the latest news in this publication, our monthly E-News!  We plan to continue the discounted weekly webinar replays and work to maximize the number of members who participate in the Real Property Law Section’s activities.  

I encourage you to get involved with the Real Property Law Section.  It is only because of our amazing volunteer Real Property Law Section Executive Committee members and advisors, Practice Area Committee members, speakers, Real Property Journal article authors and editors, other volunteer contributors and CLA staff that we are able to provide the amount of educational content and networking opportunities to you: our members.  Please feel free to contact me directly or one of the other Executive Committee members or advisors.  We welcome and encourage your participation and involvement.

Stay safe and healthy.

Best regards,

Elizabeth A. Blair, Esq.

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