Real Property Law
In Memoriam: Danny Wang

Please forgive me for saying this, but I have heard the song “Oh Danny Boy” over 1000 times and never truly appreciated it until I went to attorney Danny Wang’s memorial service. What a somber and beautiful song. The service was just six or seven days after he suddenly passed at the young age of 39 (almost 40). No one in the room was emotionally ready to deal with Danny’s passing.
Something about the moment was just plain wrong. Honestly, I am still not over his death and think it will be a while. Danny and I were in law school together. He was a few years behind me and we were not friends at that time. But last fall he joined the CLA Real Property Law Section Executive Committee and we were becoming true friends. I so enjoyed his company and his thoughtful approach to life.

(Photo: Jethro Busch, Steven A. MacDonald, CLA Excom Member Anna Liu, and Danny Wang)

(Photo: Danny was quick with the selfie stick and an avid Giants fan. J.R. Richards, Danny Wang, wife Kimberly Wong.)
Danny had a unique smile and a personality that was ultimately disarming and engendered almost every situation with both light heartedness and optimism. If you knew Danny, you loved him and knew he loved you. He was an excellent and dedicated husband. He was a good mentor and leader.
I believe Danny’s game was that he had no and played no games. Quick to smile and quick to laugh. The vacuum is palpable.

(Photo: Steve Cvitanovic, Danny Wang, J.R. Richards)
Fortunately, the CLA Real Property Excom has agreed to name an annual award after Danny Wang. News on this issue will come in the future. Feel free to write me if you have anything to share about Danny. I am sure there are lots of good stories to share.

(Photo: Danny Wang and Jonathan Golding)