Trusts and Estates
Ca. Trs. & Estates Quarterly 2020, Volume 26, Issue 2
- California's Statutory Will Needs An Update To Keep Up With Duke
- Chairs of Section Subcommittees
- Editorial Board
- From the Chair
- From the Editors-in-chief
- Inside this Issue:
- Litigation Alert
- Now What? Enforcement and Collection of a Surcharge Order
- Smith V. Szeyller: Probate Court Authority For Attorneys' Fee Award Under the Substantial Benefit Doctrine For Successful Beneficiaries
- Transmutation By Deed In California Is a Risky Business
- Tips of the Trade: Propriety of Filing a Demurrer In Probate Court; Helpful Tips On Timing
- Tax Alert
By Elizabeth T. Pierson, Esq*
This article summarizes selected developments in federal and state taxation law since the last Quarterly that may be of interest to trust and estate attorneys.