Ca. Tax Lawyer MAY 2020, VOLUME 29, NUMBER 1
- Adverse Enough to Be a Nongrantor Trust
- Comments and Proposed Guidance on the Irs' Revocation or Denial of Passport in Case of Certain Unpaid Taxes Under Internal Revenue Code Section 7345
- Contents
- Cryptocurrency Tax Update: Irs Offers New Cryptic Guidance
- Masthead
- Message from the Chair
- Reports from the 2019 Annual Meeting of the California Tax Bar and California Tax Policy Conference
- Tax Bar Business Taxation Section Overview
- Taxation Section 2019-2020 Leadership Directory
- Visiting the Committees
Visiting the Committees
Commentary and Updates by the Committees
The Corporate and Pass-Through Entities Committee focuses on issues faced by corporate taxpayers and provides opportunities for practitioners and corporate tax counsel to maintain a level of expertise in the field of corporate tax law, expand their professional contacts, and serve the profession, the public and the legal system. Membership in the Committee offers practitioners information on developments with respect to corporate and business tax and a greater voice on developments in such legislation.