Solo and Small Firm
The Practitioner Winter 2019, Volume 25, Issue 1
- 2019 Bills Pertaining to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- Can California Lawyers Ethically Light Up?
- Executive Committee of the Solo and Small Firm Law Section 2018-2019
- How the New Rules of Conduct Affect Your Social Media Use
- Letter From the Chair
- MCLE Article: Elimination of Bias: You Should Try to Change What You Should Be Able to See
- Sheppard Mullin vs. J-M Manuf.: a Lesson in Undisclosed Conflicts
- Table of Contents
- Will California Have Mandatory Malpractice Insurance for Attorneys and What Will It Look Like?
- Letter From the Editor
Letter From the Editor
By Somita Basu
Somita Basu, Esq., is a founding principal and managing partner of the Santa Clara, Beverly Hills, and Las Vegas offices of Norton Basu LLP. Ms. Basu is currently the incoming Editor-In-Chief of The Practitioner, a quarterly publication distributed by the the California Lawyers’ Association’s Solo and Small Firm Section, where she is also serves on the Executive Committee. Ms. Basu is based out of the Santa Clara office and lives in the South Bay with her family.
My name is Somita Basu and I’m the new Editor-in-Chief of The Practitioner for 2019. I’m not just the new Editor-In-Chief, but I’m also a new member of the Solo and Small Firm Section Executive Committee. It’s been a whirlwind initiation, but I feel optimistic about our Section’s ability to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of how our members practice.
It is my goal to expand the reach of The Practitioner and bring in new authors to help further diversify the range of content and the platform that the Section offers. I hope to be able to organize the articles for each issue around broad themes.