Real Property Law
Cal. Real. Prop. Journal 2018, VOL. 36, NO. 1
- 2017-2018 Executive committee of the real property law section
- 2017-2018 Real Property Journal Editorial Board
- 2017 Legislative Highlights
- It's Never Just About the Trees: Empowering Clients to Resolve Tree and Neighbor Disputes Collaboratively
- MCLE Self Study Article: State Constitutional Prohibitions on Promises Not to Tax
- Message from Interim Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor
- The Top Ten Real Property Cases of 2017
- Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Message from Interim Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor…………….3
By Christina R. Sansone
The Top Ten Real Property Cases of 2017………………………….5
By Bill Shiber and Star Lightner
This article is an overview of the most significant decisions affecting California real estate in 2017, as well as some "honorable mention" cases currently under review and likely to result in important decisions this year.
2017 Legislative Highlights………………………….23
By Robert M. McCormick and Michael J. Maurer
A review of 2017 legislation that the authors have selected as the most significant for real property law practitioners.
MCLE Self Study Article: State Constitutional Prohibition on Promises Not to Tax…..39
By Michael G. Colantuono
Somewhat obscure provisions of California and other state Constitutions bars contracts to limit governments’ power to tax. This article describes a recent case applying the prohibition and identifies strategies to make enforceable agreements with private parties who require certainty as to future taxation notwithstanding the constitutional bar.