Real Property Law
Cal. Real. Prop. Journal 2017, R.P. VOL. 35, NO. 3/4 and Fall 2017, P.L. Vol. 40, No. 4
- 2017-2018 Executive Committee of the Public Law Section
- 2017-2018 Executive Committee of the Real Property Law Section
- 2017-2018 Public Law Journal Editorial Board
- 2017-2018 Real Property Journal Editorial Board
- A Modern Take on a Venerable Doctrine: Navigating the Tidelands Trust in California
- Goat Hill Tavern: a Retrospective
- Landslides In California: What Are Your Insurance Options When You Feel the Earth Move?
- Local Regulation of Vacation Rentals and Other Transitory-lodging Uses in Residential Districts
- MCLE Self Study Article: Climate Disruption and Sea Level Rise: Legal Issues for Coastal Land Use in California
- Message from the Real Property Section
- Scher v. Burke—the Doctrine of Implied Dedication to a Public Use for Roadways and Recreational Use in California; Implications for Public Policy and Private Real Property Rights
- Table of Contents
- A Message from the Chair of the Public Law Section
A Message from the Chair of the Public Law Section
Ryan Baron
Ryan Baron is an Of Counsel attorney at Best, Best & Krieger’s Irvine office and the Chair of the Public Law Section Executive Committee of the California Lawyers Association.
Dear Public Law Section Members:
Happy New Year! This issue of the Public Law Journal marks the first time the publication will be released under the newly formed organizationâthe California Lawyers Association (CLA). Although you’re likely familiar with the State Bar-CLA separation by now, I want to share a few words in this Chair’s Message on the effect of this separation on the Public Law Section and what it means to you as a valued member. The quick and dirty answer is that nothing about your membership or the services you receive will be changed by being under a new organization. All educational services like publications and conferences along with other member benefits remain the same . . . even the cost of a Public Law Section membership!