Real Property Law
Cal. Real. Prop. Journal 2015, Vol. 33, No. 2
- 2014-2015 Executive Committee of the Real Property Law Section
- California Real Property Journal Editorial Staff
- MCLE Self-Study Article: Co-Tenancy Breaches and Remedies: Drafting Guidance For Landlords and Tenants After Grand Prospect Partners
- No More Kids! How Overcrowded Schools May Lead to Violations of Fair Housing Laws
- Real Property Law Section Subsection Chairs and Standing Committee Chairs 2014-2015
- Reconsidering Wrongful Eviction After Anti-Slapp
- Table of Contents
- The "Widows & Orphans" Problem: the Improper Exclusion of Successors-in-Interest from the Loss Mitigation Process
- Reader Alert: New Fcc Rules Affect New and Existing Cell Site Leases
READER ALERT: New FCC Rules Affect New and Existing Cell Site Leases
By Christina R. Sansone and Natalia Shparber
©2015 All Rights Reserved.
One consequence of the rapidly changing world of wireless telecommunications technology is the constant pressure on the courts, Congress, and the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC"or the "Commission") to balance the national policy of accelerating broadband deployment through the installation of wireless communications antennas and related facilities (cumulatively, "WCFs"), and the traditional authority of local governments to regulate the placement and aesthetic impacts of such antennas through local zoning and land use jurisdictions.