Cal. Litig. 2017, Volume 30, Number 1
- A Review of Catherine L. Fisk's Writing for Hire: Unions, Hollywood and Madison Avenue
- Editor's Foreword Ch-ch-changes
- Identifying and Avoiding the Unauthorized Practice of Law in a Global Economy
- Joint Laws Transforming California
- Litigation Section Executive Committee Past Chairs
- Masthead
- My First Appellate Argument
- No, 42 is Not the Answer!
- Past Editors-in-Chief
- Robot Vehicles and the Real World
- Table of Contents
- The Opening Statement For the Defense
- Trial Lawyer Hall of Famer Ephraim Margolin: An edited version of an interview
- From the Section Chair Preparing for Transformation
From the Section Chair Preparing for Transformation
By Kathleen Brewer
The State Bar Sections are energetically preparing for their transformation from a component of the State Bar into an independent corporate entity. In their new form, the Sections will continue to serve the lawyers of this state and to promote the public’s interest in maintaining a principled bar and a trustworthy, accessible judicial system. The new entity will also foster a close and mutually supportive relationship with the State Bar. My primary goals as Chair of the Litigation Section’s Executive Committee during this transition are to increase your member benefits and to present the new entity with a distinctly robust Litigation Section. So far, we’re on track.
New Standing Committees
Four longstanding and prestigious State Bar Standing Committees are now part of the Litigation Section: The Committee on the Administration of Justice, the Appellate Courts Committee, the Federal Courts Committee, and the Committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution. Each of these committees brings to the Litigation Section a team of gifted, hardworking volunteers whose contribution to our Section will be invaluable. We look forward to numerous programs and webinars on federal practice, appellate practice, and ADR, in addition to updates on rule changes. The Litigation Section enthusiastically welcomes these well-run, highly productive groups.