Cal. Litig. 2014, Volume 27, Number 1
- Adr Update: Can Post-Award Searches Vacate Arbitration Awards?
- Another Amazing Year in the Supreme Court
- Can Use of Administrative Procedures Expedite Complex State Court Civil Litigation?
- Can We Shorten This Trial?
- Editor's Foreword Signing On: Big Shoes to Fill
- From the Section Chair
- Hypotheticals on Litigational Plagiarism:
- "I Learned About Litigating from That" In Memory of Joel a. Cohen
- Litigation Section Executive Committee Past Chairs
- Masthead
- Officers of a Court Do Not Plagiarize
- Past Editors-in-Chief
- Plagiarism: Naughty, Knotty
- Statements of Decision: Errors, Omissions, and Solutions
- Table of Contents
- The Perils of Punishing Public Employees for Protected Speech: Applying Pickering v. Board of Education to Posts and Pins
- Trial Lawyer Hall of Fame (2004): 62 Years in the Practice of Law
- McDermott On Demand: Ozymandias?
McDermott On Demand: Ozymandias?
By Thomas J. McDermott, Jr.
Thomas J. McDermott, Jr.
With the upcoming anniversaries of the beginning of World War I (100 years – 2014) and the end of World War 11 (70 years – 2015), there has been much writing about the "special" relationship of the United States to England, the closeness, if you will. It served to remind me that while I was in grade school, each morning we sang "God Save the King." That’s right, the English national anthem. We pledged allegiance to the American flag, then sang "God Save the King," albeit with our American words that started, "My country, ’tis of thee…." In my own lifetime, at least at the beginning of it, we were still that close to England and, I believe, the English system of Justice.
Turner Classic Movies is the savior of the geriatric set because it reminds us that people in movies once were actually good-looking, enjoyed smoking and drinking a lot, had talent, seldom swore, and generally ended up being not murdered. In other words, they were more or less real. TCM put on The Talk of the Town recently, an Academy Award nominee, starring Cary Grant, Ronald Colman, and Jean Arthur. Mr. Grant and Mr. Colman competed for Miss Arthur, a more-than-worthy reward, by arguing the pluses, the minuses, and the vagaries of the English-American legal system. That’s a somewhat oversimplification, of course, but it captures the spirit of the movie’s debate: the written academic side of the law as against the person-oriented reality side of the law.