International Law and Immigration
Ca. Int'l Law Journal VOL. 25, NO. 1, FALL 2017
- Comply at Your Own Risk: Reconciling the Tension between Western Due Diligence Practices and Chinese State Secrets Law
- Development of New Approaches in International Trade Law
- Discrimination against Refugees: the Limits of Presidential Authority under International Law
- Editor's Comments
- Global Legal Research
- Letter From the 2016-2017 Chair of the International Law Section
- Letter From the 2017-18 Co-chairs of the International Law Section
- Masthead
- Risk Factors in Eb-5 Regional Center Private Placement Memoranda
- The 'Don' of a New Era: Untangling the Sanctions Policy of the Trump Administration and its Compliance Implications
- The Travel Ban and the Ninth Circuit's Holding in State of Washington v. Trump
- Contents
Editor’s comments 2
Letter from the 2016-2017 Chair 4
Letter from the 2017-2018 Co-Chairs 5
The Travel ban and the Ninth Circuit’s holding in State of Washington v. Trump 6
By Joshua M. Surowitz, Eric P. Husby and Raquel S. Vasquez