International Law and Immigration
Ca. Int'l Law Journal VOL. 23, NO. 2, WINTER 2015
- Brief For Foreign and Comparative Law Experts Harold Hongju Koh, Thomas Buergenthal, Sarah H. Cleveland, Laurence R. Helfer, Ryan Goodman, and Sujit Choudhry As Amici Curiae In Support of Petitioners
- California Lawyers—Improving the Rule of Law in Afghanistan
- Contents
- Eb-5 Visas Plus the California Competes and New Employment Tax Credit Programs: Making Job Creation Affordable
- Editor's Comments
- Europe v. Facebook? Reflections on the Future of Privacy Rights Enforcement in the Eu
- Global Legal Research
- Masthead
- Practitioner's Spotlight: Interview With Justice Stephen Breyer
- Same Sex Marriage Without Borders: the Foreign and Comparative Law Amicus Brief in Obergefell v. Hodges
- The Application of International Human Rights Law to Extractive Energy Projects on Indigenous Lands in Latin America
- True Yet Defamatory? Truth as a (Partial) Defense to Libel in Italian and European Law
- Letter From the Chair of the International Law Section
As Chair of the International Law Section and on behalf of the Section’s Executive Committee, I thank you all for being members of the International Law Section, and welcome you to the latest issue of The California International Law Journal.
During my one year of service as Chair, my goal is to increase the Section’s connections and interactions with its memberâby presenting substantive and other informative information through the Journal, CLE webinars, live CLE programs, e-Newsletters, networking receptions and other events. To that end, the Section’s Executive Committee Members, Advisors and volunteers are working together in planning and executing the programs and events to be presented in 2016.
As a reminder, the Journal is mailed to each member’s address on file with the State Bar of California, and the e-Newsletter and information regarding CLE webinars, CLE programs, networking receptions and other events are distributed by the State Bar of California via email to each member’s email address on file with the State Bar of California. As you renew your membership with the State Bar of California and the International Law Section for 2016, please review and verify that your contact information in the State Bar of California’s records is current and complete.
The International Law Section presents many CLE programs throughout the year. The Section is the "home" for immigration practitioners, and we present many CLE programs, including webinars, on immigration topics. Many of the immigration programs offer information of interest to both immigration and non-immigration lawyers. In addition, we present CLE programs on other substantive topics. Please refer to the information disseminated by the State Bar of California, and we hope that you will attend the programs on the day of their respective offerings. The webinars are subsequently available for purchase in the State Bar of California online library.