International Law and Immigration
Ca. Int'l Law Journal SUMMER 2020, VOL. 28, NO. 1
- Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade: An Overview of U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
- International Law Section Executive Committee 2019-2020
- International Organizations Immunities Act
- Interview With Angel Swift, Financial Crimes and Human Trafficking Specialist
- Justice For the Holocaust: Eichmann's Jerusalem Trial
- Letter From the International Law Section Chair
- The California International Law Journal Editorial Team
- The California International Law Journal
- The Impact On Export-controlled Goods and Customs Movements In the Event of a 'No Deal Brexit'
- The International Law Section of the California Lawyers Association
- Welcome From the Journal's Editor-in-chief
Catherine (Cathy)
At the risk of stating the obvious, this past year has posed an unprecedented challenge for all of us professionally and personally. The twin catastrophes of the COVID-19 pandemic and (more recently) massive wildfires have upended our lives and professional activities, and have cut those of us in California off from our colleagues and partners around the world. And yet, as International Law Section (ILS) Chair Josh Surowitz notes in his message below, our Section continues its vital work on a number of fronts, whether in agitating against disruptive government policies that target international students in the United States (US), or in adapting to host our annual meeting virtually.