International Law and Immigration
Ca. Int'l Law Journal 2018 WINTER, VOL. 26, NO. 1
- 2018 Cla Annual Meeting Report
- California Now Open For Business In International Arbitration
- Restorative Justice Solutions For Mass Incarceration
- Sec Confirms Its Authority In Eb-5 and Tags Immigration Attorney For Unregistered Brokering In California Federal Court Win: Sec V. Feng
- Steel, Tariffs and National Security Under the Trump Administration
- The California International Law Journal
- The International Law Section Continues Its Dynamic Relationship With Foreign Bar Associations Through Friendship Agreements and Conferences
- The International Law Section of the California Lawyers Association
- The International Law Section Presents Eighth Annual Warren M. Christopher International Lawyer of the Year Award
- Thief In the Night: the Invasive Nature of Home Internet of Things and Its Attempt To Silently Shift Rules of Personal Data Ownership
- Unarmed Attacks: Cyber Combatants and the Right To Defend
- Welcome From the International Law Section's Co-chairs
- Welcome From the Journal's Editor-in-chief
Catherine (Cathy) Carlisle*
It is my great honor to serve as the first Editor-in-Chief of The California International Law Journal following the formation of the nonprofit California Lawyers Association (CLA) and the International Law Section’s (ILS) move to the CLA.
This transition year has afforded the Journal and the ILS as a whole the opportunity to revisit our goals and reinvigorate our approach to serving our community. Our ILS Co-Chairs Alexandra Darraby and Michael Newman will highlight in this Edition the ILS’s significant accomplishments in making our Section even more successful and in facilitating the transition of all the Sections to the CLA. At the Journal, thanks to our Editorial Board and the generous support of the ILS Co-Chairs, we are proud to have already achieved the following: