Intellectual Property Law
New Matter SPRING 2024, VOLUME 49, EDITION 1
- 2024 New Matter Author Submission Guidelines
- Copyright Roundup
- Federal Circuit Report
- In Memoriam
- Inside This Issue
- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SECTION Executive Committee 2023-2024
- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SECTION Interest Group Representatives 2023-2024
- Intellectual Property Section New Matter Editorial Board
- Letter From the Chair
- Letter From the Editor-in-chief
- Ninth Circuit Report
- Online Cle For Participatory Credit
- Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. V. Personal Genomics Taiwan, Inc.
- Privacy Law Updates
- Quarterly International Ip Law Update
- Table of Contents
- The California Lawyers Association Intellectual Property Alumni
- THE SNITCH WHO STOLE BIZ'NESS: The New Ethics Reporting Rule
- Ttab Decisions and Developments
- Trade Secret Report
Conor Tucker
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
Trade Secret Definition – Publicly Known or Readily Ascertainable
Equate Media, Inc. v. Suthar, No. 22-55681 (Mem.) (9th Cir. Nov. 6, 2023).
The Ninth Circuit held that information such as "conversion rates" (i.e., how many users clicked on advertisements and bought services) and "quality scores" related to a company’s Google ad data may be trade secrets under the DTSA. "The record shows that the public can discern the keywords on which a company has bid but that the quality scores and conversion rates are not publicly discernible." The court reversed the district court’s judgment as a matter of law and reinstated the jury verdict.