Family Law
Family Law News 2017, Issue 4, Volume 39, No. 4
- Child Custody Counselor Cherie Kagan Receives the State Bar of California's 2017 Court Staff Award
- Contracts and Standing and Support, Oh My!
- Family Law News Editorial Team
- Family Law Section eNews Special Announcement Family Law Section Awards - Seeking Award Nominations
- Family Law Section Executive Committee
- Hon. Garry T. Ichikawa Recipient of the 2017 State Bar of California Family Law Judicial Officer of the Year award
- Hon. Mark a. Juhas Receives Flexcom's Lifetime Achievement Award
- Legislative Liaisons and Designated Recipients of Legislation
- MCLE Article: Emerging Issues in Three Parent Law
- Message from the Chair
- Message from the Editor
- Table of Contents
- Technology Corner
- The New Divorce By Mutual Consent in France: Recognition and Risks of Post-Divorce Litigation in Common-Law Countries: the Examples of England and the United States
- The Use of Motions in Family Law
- Why Esi Scares Me as a Solo Practitioner
- Reviewing a Marvin Action From a Litigator's Perspective
Reviewing A Marvin Action From A Litigator’s Perspective
John Martin
John P. Martin is a solo practitioner who focuses on civil litigation and mediation in San Diego, and is a member of the Family Law and Litigation Section of the State Bar of California. He may be reached at
This article addresses Marvin v. Marvin, 18 Cal. 3d 660 (1976) and its progeny, and provides an overview of points for every practitioner to consider when advising a client who is either contemplating or defending against a Marvin action. It reviews the nature of such actions and potentially related claims or defenses, the pros and cons of filing or threatening to file a Marvin action, and what type of expert or co-counsel associations, if any, may be useful, no matter how large or small the case.