Family Law
Family Law News 2015, Issue 1, Volume 37, No. 1
- Attribution of Corporate/Phantom Income—Are You Sure?
- California Family Law Property Characterization Flowchart
- Family Law News
- Family Law Section Executive Committee
- Message From the Chair:
- Message From the Editor:
- Practicing Law: the Lost Guide
- Recovering Fees In a Client Collection Case
- Standing Chairs and Designated Recipients of Legislation
- Using Indirect Methods To Determine Income and Cash-flow
- We Can Make a Difference
- 2014 Family Law Legislation
The continuing collaboration between Continuing Education of the Bar (CEB) and the Family Law Section continues to reap benefits for our members. The Family Law News is pleased once again to publish the CEB Year in Review. Each year, CEB publishes a detailed compilation of important case law and legislative developments on issues ranging from attorneys fees to child custody to enforcement.
Reprinted below for your review and easy reference are the summaries of 2014 legislation in the Family Law arena. Due to space constraints, the Family Law News is unable to publish the list of new cases in this issue. The next issue of the Family Law News will include the CEB case summaries. In the meantime, please continue to take advantage of Judge Burke’s case summaries that come through on a regular basis to keep fresh on legal developments coming from the courts. Thanks again to CEB for supporting the education of the Family Law Section.
Legislation. During the past year, significant legislation was enacted that affects family law in California. Unless otherwise noted, the legislation is operative January 1, 2015. Some of the more important legislative developments include the following: