Environmental Law
Envt'l Law News Spring 2018, Vol. 27, No. 1
- A Closer Look at the Avalanche of New California Housing Production Laws
- Cap-and-Trade Extended: What Do Ab 398 and Ab 617 Mean for Climate Change and Air Quality Regulation in 2018?
- Coming Full Circle in the Fifth—Revisiting the Concept of "Urban Decay" and Its Increasingly Limited Role in Ceqa
- Editor's Note . . .
- Environmental Law News Publications Committee
- Table of Contents
- The 2017 Environmental Legislative Recap: Facing an Unprecedented Risk to California's Environmental Legacy
- The New Toxic Substances Control Act: How Will Federal Preemption Affect California Laws?
- 2017-2018 Environmental Law Section Executive Committee
2017-2018 Environmental Law Section Executive Committee
K. Eric Adair
Immediate Past Chair
Osha R. Meserve