Business Law
Business Law News 2020, Issue 4
- 2018-2019 Commercial Law Developments Parts VI. U.C.C. - Sales and Personal Property Leasing, VII. Notes and Electronic Funds Transfers, and VIII. Letters of Credit, Investment Securities, and Documents of Title
- Avoid Irs Penalties—Reasonable Cause Is Surprisingly Reasonable
- B-Law B-Law B-Law: Ethics for Business Lawyers
- Book Review: Comparative Commercial Contracts: Law, Culture, and Economic Development Second Edition
- Business Law News Editorial Team
- Business Law News Table of Contents
- Executive Committee of the Business Law Section 2020-2021
- Message from the Editor
- New California Connected Devices Law Dictates Security Features for Manufacturers
- Paul 'Chip' L. Lion III Receives Business Law Section's 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award
- Standing Committee Officers of the Business Law Section 2020-2021
- Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
Soyeun Choi
As California Lawyers Association (CLA) moves into its 2020-2021 term, the Business Law Section (BLS) remains focused on improving the quality and practice of law; serving the public by monitoring emerging business initiatives; and promoting excellence, diversity, and inclusion in the legal profession. The continuous provision of high-quality content and member engagement is a testament to BLS members and their common sense of purpose. The process is not without discussion and long conferences, but civility encourages the necessary intellectual exchange to move the needle forward. BLS camaraderie is cultivated through active participation and, as always, the invitation to participate is ever extended, even and especially, as we conduct remote activities to safeguard the health of our communities.
The array of BLS activities to choose from includes programming, publishing, legislation, membership, and leadership, in a variety of subject matters, through fifteen different standing committees. The sampling provided herein can be further reviewed at Members begin through specific practice areas of the law, managed by the fifteen standing committees; or the Business Law News Editorial Board. The committees offer direct engagement with practitioners, leadership opportunities, and advancement through to BLS governance. Signing up for one or multiple committee updates is free and open to the public:
- Agribusiness
- Business Law News Editorial Board
- Business Litigation
- Commercial Transactions
- Consumer Financial Services
- Corporations
- Financial Institutions
- Franchise Law
- Health Law
- Insolvency Law
- Insurance Law
- Internet and Privacy Law
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Opinions
- Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies