Business Law
Business Law News 2015, Issue 1
- Bln Editorial Board: Message from the Editor
- Business Law News Editoral Team
- Case Note: the Rosolowski Case and the Implications for the Future Application of Cbpc Section 17529.5 to Commercial Email Advertisements
- Corporate Deals, Tax Deductions, and the Wisdom of Solomon
- Executive Committee: Message from the Chair
- Guide to Business Law Section Publications
- Introducing the Sample Venture Capital Opinion
- Legal Ruling 2014-01: the Ftb's House of Cards
- Patterson v. Domino's Pizza, Llc: the California Supreme Court Examines Franchisor Liability for Tortious Conduct of Franchisee Employees
- Standing Committee Officers of the Business Law Section 2014-2015
- Table of Contents
- Traditional Franchise and Beer Distribution Relationships: a Legal Comparison
- Executive Committee of the Business Law Section 2014-2015
Executive Committee of the Business Law Section 2014-2015
Robert V. Hawn, San Jose